Lake Superior & Algoma Photos

milky way above the aurora borealis on Lake Superior

Abandoned gas pump at service station

75-foot waterfall in the autumn

sunset on calm lake with rocks in foreground

a sunsnet on Lake Superior at Katherine Cove

drone photo of peak colour in the Algoma Highlands over Hwy 556

Unique rock formations on the coastal trail in Lake Superior Provincial Park

sun setting over island in Lake Superior

sun setting over island in Lake Superior

sunrise at Hattie Cove in Pukaskwa National Park

Rugged shoreline on Lake Superior, summer day

3 bright coloured mushrooms on moss

sunrise over Hattie Cove

Contour lines of a sandy riverbank on the Montreal River

Long shadow of man standing on frozen mounds of lake ice during sunset.

Elevated view of Hwy 60, heading south toward Havilland Bay in autumn.

Alona Bay sunset after a summer storm

Fall colour and waterfall on the Goulais River

Lake Superior shoreline on a sunny day, north of the Barrett River.

Sandy beach and rocky Lake Superior shoreline north of the Barrett River.

beautiful sunrise with purple and pink hues over Lake Superior

Drone photo of causeway on Lake Superior

Yellow birch and a trail of snowshoe hare tracks in the Algoma Highlands.

yellow kayak on rocky shoreline of Lake Superior

line pine tree with view of autum valley below

Misty river sunrise on Montreal River

Lake Superior red sandstone, clear shallow water

turbulent chute waterfall in May on Goulais River

Black prefab cabin starry sky

autumn hilltop with dramatic light and stormy sky

calm river reflections with beautiful fall colour and fog

autum colour, yellow leaves, rapids above the falls on the Batchawana River

Dramatic light and fall colours at Robertson Cliffs

closeup photo of two Coho salmon jumping out of the water at Batchawana Falls

view of fall colour from the cliffs over Havilland Bay in autumn

Storm Light from Robertson Cliffs

Crystal Creek waterfall, red maple leaves, autumn colour

Spray from a wave on Lake Superior during golden hour

Grasses at Havilland Bay with fall colour

sunset on calm lake with intense hues of pink, purple, and violet

Spring storm with white caps and dramatic light on Lake Superior

Fog rolling into Agawa Bay under a full moon.

Fog rolling into Agawa Bay under a full moon.

winter wonderland, river reflections and dock in a snow covered landscape

summer sunset with reflection pools of water at Katherine Cove

close up photo of pebble beach

large waterfalls

Early morning view of the cove from the cliffs above

A silhouette of a man paddling a canoe at sunset

sunset and rocky shoreline over Lake Superior
